Environmental, Social and Governance

What is ESG

ESG stands for Environmental, Social Responsibility, and Governance. ESG is different from the traditional evaluation criteria for corporate financial performance.It is a corporate evaluation standard that focuses on corporate environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance performance. ESG has become the standard by which investors evaluate companies and determine their potential and future financial performance.

ESG Rating

An ESG rating measures a company's exposure to long-term environmental, social, and governance risks. A good ESG rating means a company is managing its environment, social, and governance risks well relative to its peers. A poor ESG rating is the opposite -- the company has relatively higher unmanaged exposure to ESG risks.

Value of ESG

Companies with excellent ESG performance can significantly reduce financing costs and obtain bank loans with lower interest rates, longer terms, and larger amounts. At the same time, the excellent performance of ESG will help the company gain a better reputation in the market, enhance customer stickiness, and further help the company improve its financial performance. In addition, a stronger ability to resist risks is also the core advantage of companies with excellent ESG performance.

China Carbon Disclosure Platform for Light Industrial Products and Arts-Crafts is committed to using

the most comprehensive and unique ESG solutions

on the market to help companies improve ESG performance and help companies incorporate sustainable finance considerations into future strategic decisions


Acquire and manage transparent and high quality ESG data from ecological partners.


Integrate ESG risk and opportunity considerations into every decision in line with evolving Chinese and international regulations.


Integrate ESG solutions to help companies improve their investment performance in the global market.

The platform looks forward to working with cooperative companies to promote the intelligent dual-carbon transformation of the light industry handicraft industry